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  • Writer's pictureLuzsoraida Figueroa

8 Things About Successful Christian Businessmen That Will Motivate You

Updated: Sep 25, 2021

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Like all businessmen or women, Christians aren’t immune from business setbacks, however, there are a few things that make some Christian businessmen successful while others can’t seem to catch a break.

If you are a new business owner struggling to grow your business (or even if you have been an entrepreneur for a while with little success, the tips in this post will provide you with some clarity, and give you an idea of what you can do to turn things around in your business.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian entrepreneur or not, every business owner wants to succeed and it’s frustrating when that doesn’t happen. So, let’s look at some facts about successful Christian business owners to see what important lessons you can learn from them.

And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)

Successful Christian business owners are people who have a clear vision for their business. These people know how to set clear goals and they have a plan for bringing their vision into reality.

A Christian businessman or woman without a clear goal or action plan for their business is going to struggle to succeed or take their business where they want it to go.

So, if you truly want to be a successful Christian businessman, the first thing you should do is to have a clear vision for your business. What is it that you do? What do you want to be known for?

After you have articulated your vision, the next step is to set clear goals for your business. Now, you don’t just set goals and stop there, you have to create a plan to achieve those goals. Your goals mean nothing if you don’t have a plan to achieve them.

So, the first thing you should know about successful Christian businessmen is that they are visionaries. They don’t go around with empty dreams. They are purposeful and intentional in their approach. If you desire success in your business, start by asking yourself, “am I a visionary?”

That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17)

Along the same lines as above, successful Christian businessmen or successful Christian businesswomen know how to equip and empower themselves to take action on their plan.

Entrepreneurship requires some specific skills, and the reason many Christian businessmen struggle is because they lack some of these basic skills. You can’t succeed in business if you are not well-equipped and competent to run a business.

So, start by taking an inventory of your skills. Do you have the right skills for the job? Are you competent and well-equipped for success? The answers to these questions can make a big difference in how you approach your business and your bottom line.

Also, if you have employees or some other people working for you, you must know how to motivate them to take action and do what they are supposed to do.

Far too many entrepreneurs surround themselves with people who aren’t productive or add anything to their business. Sometimes, it’s because you haven’t gotten the people around you to buy into your vision, or you don’t know how to motivate them to take action.

It’s never too late to become equipped or competent. You can empower yourself by filling whatever knowledge gap you have, acquiring the skills you need, then taking action.

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